Security movement system


The project i have done is about “Movement Sensor”. In the past, similarprojects have been done by some people by using components such as; ArduinoUNO, Breadboard, 1 Buzzer, 1 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and jumper wires.My project will be improved version of those projects. Because i plan to addnew components in order to make an improved…



The project i have done is about “Movement Sensor”. In the past, similar

projects have been done by some people by using components such as; Arduino

UNO, Breadboard, 1 Buzzer, 1 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and jumper wires.

My project will be improved version of those projects. Because i plan to add

new components in order to make an improved new project, called “Security

Movement System”. I am going to add an ESP8266 Wi-fi Modulo then i can

communicate with that security system by a channel i will create and get

information from it. The system i will make can detect movement around the

door. Then it will send notifications via Pushetta application with using the

wireless modulo to my phone and it will make noise with buzzer in order to

warn me against unexpected situations when i am sleeping or not at home.