Smart miner helmet


Rapid technological advances serve human well-being , while bringing dangers to human lifeand the environment. Every new substance entering the production process poses a threat tohuman health , workplace safety, environmental health and safety. Healthy work andenvironment is a prerequisite for business success. The issue of occupational health and safetyis a problem all over the world. Although life is the most basic human right, Every personwho is not sure will be lost or become disabled due to work accidents occupational diseaseswhich can be prevented with great ease. In our country, as in the world, occupationalaccidents and occupational diseases are an…



Rapid technological advances serve human well-being , while bringing dangers to human life

and the environment. Every new substance entering the production process poses a threat to

human health , workplace safety, environmental health and safety. Healthy work and

environment is a prerequisite for business success. The issue of occupational health and safety

is a problem all over the world. Although life is the most basic human right, Every person

who is not sure will be lost or become disabled due to work accidents occupational diseases

which can be prevented with great ease. In our country, as in the world, occupational

accidents and occupational diseases are an important problem. Science, technology and

industrialization are the causes of social change. Science, technology, , industrialization, and

high-yielding products to increase the welfare of societies. Fast-growing science, technology,

development and industrialization processes have certainly provided many benefits to the

development process of countries. However, it is difficult to say that the same success is

achieved for working life and safety. insufficient and negative conditions of the working

environment and production processes threaten the right of life which is the basic right of the

employees. Therefore, it should be a necessity to take the necessary precautions regarding the

Occupational Health and Safety. The elimination of occupational accidents; mining accidents

can be prevented by developing the opportunities provided by scientific and technological

developments in this field. Mining industry; It is the world's most difficult and risky

information, experience, expertise and continuous control to minimize these risks, all of

which are inherently relevant, all of which are interconnected and contain risks that can

trigger each negative situation in a chained business.