Distance measurement device


From the early stages of our humanity we have always wanted to measure things, so wedeveloped several different kinds of devices to learn to keep track of all kinds of things. Forexample, we wanted to measure the time to get the benefits of the sunlig


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From the early stages of our humanity we have always wanted to measure things, so we

developed several different kinds of devices to learn to keep track of all kinds of things. For

example, we wanted to measure the time to get the benefits of the sunlight in the most efficient

way. To achieve that we used sand clocks, we observed the movements of the sun and the

moon. And at the end with the latest technological events we are measuring our time according

to the Earth’s one loop around the Sun and itself and accepting it as the most reliable way to

measure our time. As another example the length of the objects were always important for the

human kind when we were kids we wanted to be taller. We used to put little marks on the walls

of our homes to observe our development. When you go to a vacation you probably realized

those road signs that count down the kilometers left to your target. By knowing the amount of

distance, we can calculate even the velocities of objects. If you take a piece of wood and a saw

and try to cut it with no measurement, the work that you ended up will probably not fit for your

purpose. That’s why this old saying suggest that measure twice cut once. While the

measurement of distance means a lot from our daily jobs to most crucial ones it would be a

shame to still be following the conventional measurement methods such as hand meters, tape

measures etc. That’s why this project is focusing on measuring the distances or length of the

objects by using the ultrasonic sound waves.