About Course
This Object Oriented Programming in C++ course has been designed meticulously to help students master the Object-Oriented Programming skills in C++. It covers basic topics like input/output streams, namespaces, classes and objects, constructors, function overloading, function overriding through to advanced topics such as Inheritance, Polymorphism, Templates, Exception handling, File handling, etc,
It will be a stepping stone for learning other technologies like Java, Ios, Windows phone programming, etc.
In today’s scenario, it is almost impossible for a budding programmer/developer to survive in the market without a solid foundation of Object-Oriented Programming in C++ concepts. There is no better option than to start with C++ for this purpose. Once you acquaint yourself with the aforesaid topics there won’t be any looking back.
The initial lectures explain the pillars of OOPs with the help of real-life examples.
The best part of this course is all the concepts have been elucidated in simple English language followed by example codes. I humbly advise tall the students of all my courses to practice writing programs as much as they can.
Who this Object Oriented Programming in C++ course is for:
- Anyone who wants to grasp the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
- It is a stepping stone for learning iOS, Android, and Windows Phone programming
Course Content
Object Oriented Programming with C++
Functions Throwing Exceptions
00:00 -
C++ getline Function
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C++ File Handling
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Writing to a File in C++ using Ofstream Class
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Reading from a File using ifstream class
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fstream Class
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C++ File Position Indicators
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Binary Files in C++
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C++ Binary Files
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Stringstream in C++
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String Class in C++
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Writing your own Manipulator function on C++ IO Streams
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C++ Nested Try Catch statements
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Creating Custom, User Defined Exception Class
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Overloading New and Delete Operators
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Overloading C++ Stream Insertion, Extraction Operators
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CPP Copy Constructor with Example
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C++ IO Stream
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Set and Unset Format Flags of IO streams
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Precision Fill Width parameters with C++ IO Streams
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C++ iomanip class
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#include PreProcessor Directives in C++ Programming Video Tutorial
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#Define PreProcessor Directive
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Function like Macros
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C++ Generic Class with more than one Generic Type
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Default Data Types as Parameters to Generic Classes
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Explicit Specialisation of Generic Class
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Introduction to C++ Namespace
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C++ Nested Namespace
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UnNamed or Anonymous Namespaces in C++
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Nested UnNamed or Anonymous Namespaces
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C++ Namespace Aliases
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Inline Nested Namespace in C++
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Introduction to C++ Generic Classes
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Overloading Generic Function Template
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if endif elif else Conditional Compilation Macros
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Conditional Compilation Macros
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#undef Pre Processor Directive
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C++ Predefined macros
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Generic Programming in C++ and Templates
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Multiple Parameters and Return Values
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Passing Standard Parameters to C++ Generic Functions
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Generic Functions with Multiple Generic Types
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Explicitly Overloading Generic Functions
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Writing Classes in Separate Files using #define in C++
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Introducing Classes, Objects
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Friend Function
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Inheritance, Poly Morphism
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C++ Protected Access Modifier in Classes
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C++ Access Control and Inheritance
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Public Inheritance in C++
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Protected Inheritance in C++
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Private Inheritance in C++
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Changing Access Level of Base Class Members in Derived Class in C++
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Order of Execution of Constructors and Destructors in Inheritance in C++
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C++ Static Methods in Classes
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C++ Static Variables and Members in Class
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Class Properties, Methods, Members
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C++ Object Oriented Programming Tutorial
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Scope Resolution Operator
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Private Access Specifier
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Class Constructors
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Overloading Class Constructors
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Default Class Constructor Parameters
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Destructors in a Class
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C++ Destructors to Release Resources with example
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C++ Multiple Inheritance Explained
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C++ Calling and Passing Values to Base Class Constructor in Derived Class
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C++ Overriding Base Class Methods in Derived Class
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Overloading Short Hand Operators
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Overloading Increment and Decrement Operators in Prefix form
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Overloading Increment and Decrement Operators in Postfix form
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Overloading Special [ ] C++ Array Subscript Operator
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Overloading C++ Function Call Operator ( )
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Overloading Arrow Operator
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Rules and Restrictions for Operator Overloading in C++
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Introduction to Exception Handling
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Available C++ Standard Exception Classes / Types and using them
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C++ Overloading “-” Operator
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C++ Operator Overloading Introduction
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Accessing the Overridden Methods in C++
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C++ this Keyword
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C++ Calling Methods Using Base Class Type
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Polymorphism in C++ and Virtual Functions
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C++ Virtual Function
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C++ Pure Virtual Functions, Abstract Classes
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C++ Diamond problem in OOPS, Solution using Virtual Inheritance with Example
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Nested Classes or Inner classes in C++
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Local Classes in C++
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Multiple Catch Blocks