About Course
Municipal solid Waste Management.
The problems affiliated with solid waste management (SWM) in today’s sprawling civilized and urbanized society are intricate because of the quantity and varied nature of wastes, the funding restriction for public disposal, interference of technology (energy and raw materials), and complex infrastructure development network in urban cities.
As a result, if SWM is to achieve in consummate approach, the fundamentals aspects need to be identified. Thus, there is a dire need to group the activities from the generation to the disposal point.
The six different functional elements (generation, handing and separations, storage and processing at source, collection, the transformation of wastes, transfer, and transport, and final disposal) for the engineering comparison and treatment must be understood in detail.
Understanding the functional element is important because it helps evaluate the impacts of projected changes and technological developments. Solid waste management is an essential part of every society, but it is also one of the most neglected.
Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the subject is required to effectively tackle the current solid waste management crisis. This course attempts to familiarize various steps involved in solid waste management.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: PG Level course for Environmental Engineering and UG level for Civil Engineering
Course Content
Municipal Solid Waste Management
Lec 43: Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) in MSWM projects
00:00 -
Lec 31: Pretreatment and co-digestion for enhancement of biogas production
00:00 -
Lec 30: Definition, stages and factors affecting anaerobic digestion
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Lec 29: Vermicomposting
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Lec 28: Compost quality
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Lec 27: Types of composting – II
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Lec 26: Types of composting – I
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Lec 25: Factors affecting composting process
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Lec 24: Definition and phases of composting
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Lecture 23: Waste-to-energy (WtE) plants (case studies) pyrolysis and gasification
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Lec 32: Types of biogas digesters
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Lecture 33: Site selection and types of landfill
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Lec 42: Public-Private-Partnership (PPP)
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Lec 41: Financing in MSWM projects
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Lec 40: Municipal solid waste management rules
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Lec 39: Integrated solid waste management (ISWM)
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Lec 38: Management of bio-mediacal, e-waste and inert waste
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Lec 37: Construction and demolition waste
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Lec 36: Design of landfill & Bio-minning of old dumpsite
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Lec 35: Landfill gas collection and treatment
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Lec 34: Leachate collection and treatment
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Lecture 22: Solid residue generation, characterization and treatment
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Lecture 21: Flue gas characteristics and treatment
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Lec 9: Primary collection
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Lec 8: Processing at source
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Lec 7: Handling, separation and storage at source
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Lec 6: Factors affecting solid waste generation rate
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Lec 5: Estimation of solid waste quantity
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Lec 4: Sampling and characteristics
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Lec 3: Types and sources of solid waste
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Lec 2: Functional elements
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Lec 1: Introduction to solid waste
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Lec 10: Types of collection system
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Lec 11: Analysis of collection system (Part I)
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Lecture 20: Incineration/Combustion
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Lecture 19: Waste as a fuel
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Lecture 18: Recycling of dry waste components
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Lecture 17: Material recovery facilities (MRF)
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Lecture 16: Unit operation for component separation
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Lecture 15: Transport means and methods
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Lec 14: Need and types of transfer station
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Lec 13: Analysis of collection system (Part III)
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Lec 12: Analysis of collection system (Part II)
00:00 -
Municipal Solid Waste Management [Intro Video]