About Course
Engineering Mechanics
This is a fundamental first-year rigid body mechanics course that covers both statics and dynamics. Free body diagrams, rigid body equilibrium, truss and beam analysis, friction, virtual work, and stability are all covered in statics. General plane motion of rigid bodies, usage of translating and rotating frames of reference for analysis, plane kinetics, and 3D kinematic are all topics in dynamics.
Engineering Mechanics Course Outline:
Week 1: Force Systems and Introduction
Week 2: Rigid Body Equilibrium and Introduction to Trusses
Week 3: Trusses and Beams Analysis and Introduction
Week 4: Beams Analysis
Week 5: Energy interactions and virtual work
Week 6: A Look Back and Friction
Week 7: Belt friction, particle dynamics review, and circular motion
Course Content
Engineering Mechanics – Introduction
Lec 01 Introduction to Engineering Mechanics I
36:10 -
Lec 02 Introduction to Engineering Mechanics II
48:19 -
Lec 03 Force Systems I
48:19 -
Lec 04 Force Systems II
46:36 -
Lec 05 Equilibrium of Rigid bodies I
52:10 -
Lec 06 Equilibrium of Rigid bodies II
00:00 -
Lec 07 Trusses I
00:00 -
Lec 08 Trusses II
00:00 -
Lec 09 Trusses III
00:00 -
Lec 10 Beams I
00:00 -
Lec 11 Beams II
00:00 -
Lec 12 Beams III
00:00 -
Lec 13 Beams IV
00:00 -
Lec 14 Virtual Work I
00:00 -
Lec 15 Virtual Work II
00:00 -
Lec 16 Energy Relations
00:00 -
Lec 17 Review Before Quiz I
00:00 -
Lec 18 Friction I
00:00 -
Lec 19 Friction II
00:00 -
Lec 20 Friction III
00:00 -
Lec 21 Particle Dynamics
00:00 -
Lec 22 Circular Motion