Smart door and key notification system


Nowadays, people can not recognize whether they left the door open or not. Also, doorkeys are forgotten too. Why we forget things? It is relevant to how a memory is stored in thebrain. Things we recollect are vulnerable to interference. Things that feel familiar decay overtime. When information is very similar to other information that…


Nowadays, people can not recognize whether they left the door open or not. Also, door

keys are forgotten too. Why we forget things? It is relevant to how a memory is stored in the

brain. Things we recollect are vulnerable to interference. Things that feel familiar decay over

time. When information is very similar to other information that was previously stored in

memory, interference is more likely to occur. Closing the door or putting the door key to hall

stand, are examples of similar information that we experience a lot. In my case, my

motivation to make this project is to make a reminder that can help the user. My project

communicates to user with wi-fi via blynk application. User will be notified for all the four

possibilities. Door is closed and key is hanged, door is open and key is hanged, door is closed

key is not hanged, door is open key is not hanged.