Policies and important rules related to creating an account at ResearcherStore (RS)

By uploading digital assets (research and teaching related digital assets that you want to licence) to the Researcherstore platform, you agree to the following :

  1. The work submitted must be your own. In case its not, then you must provide an approved document from the original coder/designer stating your distributing rights.

  2. The work submitted has been tested for violability and functionality.

  3. Licencors/Sellers must provide support as long as their work is on the researcherstore.com server.

4. LICENCORS (Sellers) should include their own terms & conditions as a secondary term of use.

  5. In case sellers work wasn’t functional for any reason or was violating our terms & conditions, then the work mentioned will be pulled out from the server and seller must refund 100% (covering researcherstore 20%) to clients who bought their work.

  6. LICENCORS (Sellers) have the right to authorize anyone else in case they can’t provide support to their work, or work will be pulled out from server.

  7. The maximum file upload size is 128 MB by default, which should be enough for most files (of type .zip). However, if you have files larger than this, you can upload them to Google drive, One drive, Dropbox, etc., and put a shareable link of that file inside a text or word file, which you can easily upload instead of the larger file. That would solve the upload issue for any file size.

 8. For better visibility and discoverability of your product, your content description must be at least 100-150 words along with at least 4-5 keywords, where the keywords should be bold, underlined or italic in the content.  

9- The products bought through RS wallet credit will be rewarded as RS wallet credit to the sellers while the products bought through credit cards or bank transfer money payment methods will be transferred to the vendors account after deduction of store fees.