Wireless Security: From Cryptography to Physical Layer Security

50 £

Wireless Security: From Cryptography to Physical Layer Security Wireless Security: From Cryptography to Physical Layer Security This wireless security course is designed to make students familiar with the main security requirements, security vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks in wireless networks (WIFI, LTE-4G, 5G), learn the security defense protocols and paradigms for wireless networks, understand wireless physical […]



Wireless Security: From Cryptography to Physical Layer Security

Wireless Security: From Cryptography to Physical Layer Security

This wireless security course is designed to make students familiar with the main security requirements, security vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks in wireless networks (WIFI, LTE-4G, 5G), learn the security defense protocols and paradigms for wireless networks, understand wireless physical layer security (PLS) against eavesdropping, and wireless jamming attacks and their countermeasures, know the main methods of physical-layer authentication, and be aware of some of the open challenges and recommendations in the wireless security domain.

The main objective of this wireless security course is to introduce the students to the field of wireless security and its importance, compare between wired and wireless security, review OSI layers and state their security mechanisms, discuss the security requirements, security vulnerabilities and attacks in wireless networks (WIFI, LTE-4G, 5G), learn the security defense protocols and paradigms for wireless networks, understand wireless physical-layer security against eavesdropping, and learn wireless jamming attacks and their countermeasures, and state some open challenges and recommendations.

This course will discuss a variety of topics including the differences between the wireless network and wired network, wireless technical standards, and current and future applications of wireless technology. The course will also examine the challenges and types of (WS), its vulnerabilities, and security issues. Lastly, the course will discuss securing wireless technology and its future.

What Will You Learn?

  • Be aware of the types of wireless networks. Know the benefits, advantages, and pitfalls of wireless networks. Determine if wireless security is truly secure.
  • Be aware of the different types of wireless security.
  • Know the different ways to secure wireless technology.
  • Know the future of both wireless technology and its security.
  • Understanding the meaning of wireless security and knowing its importance.
  • Becoming familiar with the security requirements of wireless networks.
  • Becoming familiar with the security vulnerabilities and attacks in wireless networks.
  • Learning the security defense protocols and paradigms for wireless networks Learning wireless physical-layer security techniques against eavesdropping, and wireless jamming attacks and their countermeasures. 

Who this course is for:

  1. Undergrad students and recent graduates looking to get a foothold in the wireless security Industry.
  2. Individuals and businesses wanting to reduce security risks and avoid potential financial losses.
  3. Businesses looking to prevent (WS) attacks.
  4. Technical managers and engineers wanting to plan a wireless security strategy.
  5. Technical IT professionals learning about wireless networks and security technologies.

About the course instructor: Dr. Jehad Hamamreh

Dr. Jehad M. HAMAMREH is a Ph.D. holder with more than 15 years of experience in training, coaching, and researchHe is among the Word’s Top Experts in the field of Wireless Communications, Wireless Security, Physical Layer Security, Data Analytics, Wireless Sensing, Open RAN, 5G, 6G, IoT, ML, and AI. He is a best-seller and an author of more than 100 research papers and an inventor of more than 20 patents.

  • The Founder and Director of WISLABi.com for providing practical wireless research innovations.
  • A Board Member at Researcherstore.com for helping academics monetize research and teaching assets by converting them into digital products (No more exploitation by publishers to authors!).
  • A. Prof. at Antalya International/Bilim University (ECE Department).
  • An Editor at RS-OJICT (rs-ojict.pubpub.org) and Frontiers in Communications and Networks.
  • An Investigator and panelist consultant for many funding agencies and governmental organizations.
  • A Reviewer in more than 25 peer-reviewed scientific Journals, and TCP committee member and organizer for many international conferences.
  • An early member of the massive Telcom. Infra Project (TIP).
  • Worked previously as a Researcher at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University as well as at CoSINC, Medipol University.

=========== Contributions Portfolio:

  • He is the inventor of more than 20 Patents. Mostly known as the inventor of keyless perfect secrecy using diversity, Number Modulation, and Power Modulation in OFDM and MIMO systems, as well as Advanced NOMA.
  • An author of more than 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers.
  • An author of 2 books and 8 book chapters in 6 different books.
  • An author of more than 10 training technical courses.
  • His innovative patented works won gold, silver, and bronze medals in numerous international invention contests and fairs.
  • Received the top researcher award of ABU three times, 2018, 2021, 2022.

=========== Research Interests:

  • His current research interests include Wireless Communication, Wireless Security, Wireless Sensing, O-RAN, 5G/6G, IoT, AI/ML, wireless physical and MAC layers security, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), multiple-input multiple-output systems (MIMO), advanced waveforms design, multidimensional modulation techniques, and orthogonal/non-orthogonal multiple access schemes for future wireless systems.
  • Key Research Topics: Wireless Communication, Wireless Security (PLS), Data Analytics, Wireless Sensing, Open RAN, 5G/6G, IoT-AI
  • Email: [email protected]

=========== Links and Profiles: