This e-book report presents a detailed description of the design, simulation, modeling, and implementation of practically designed and manufactured low-budget Parallel Hybrid Car. The novel design of this car helps in reducing fuel consumption with better performance and efficiency than conventional hybrid vehicles. The motive behind this project is to cope with the modern world technology and demonstrate this concept in which the low-cost car is fuel-efficient and environment-friendly, capable of generating electricity for itself and preserving the environment from deadly carbon-monoxide to overcome the hazards of global warming. This project proposes a novel design of a parallel hybrid car where the car is capable of propelling by an electric motor or internal combustion engine. The novel concept for combining the benefits of both these sources, which is more efficient in performance than the conventional vehicles, is also provided in this detailed report.
Authors: Daud Amin , Umair Abdullah, Muhammad Furqan Zia and Umar Irshad Bajwa
Author’s Contact: [email protected] / [email protected]