GraphQL for React

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GraphQL for React Tutorial

If you’re tired of spinning your wheels trying to figure out what type of backend server to use, this is the course for you.

Authentication? You will learn it.  Apollo Data? Included.  Integration with React? Of course!

This course will get you up and running with GraphQL quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React applications quickly.

Both OSX and Windows are supported.

We’ll start by mastering the fundamentals of GraphQL, including data types, schemas, and integration with Express and React. Source code is provided for each lecture, so you will always stay up-to-date with the course pacing.  Special attention has been paid to creating code that you’ll be able to make use of on your own fantastic projects.

If you are new to GraphQL for React, or if you’ve been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don’t quite ‘get it, this is the GraphQL course for you! To learn GraphQL you have to understand it.

  1. Learn how to use GraphQL to React schema to define relations between your data objects
  2. Learn the process of combining a backend server with a front end React
  3. Master the process of thinking about your application’s data in terms of a graph structure
  4. Grasp the difference between GraphQL and React, and when to use each
  5. Develop apps that are unique, fun, and responsive.
  6. Build servers that can be used with both React and React to Native applications
  7. Master handling authentication with GraphQL for React
  8. Learn the core principles of navigation with React Router and GraphQL

I’ve built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning GraphQL. A course that explains the concepts and how they’re implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them.

Who this GraphQL for React course is for:

  1. Programmers looking to learn GraphQL
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What Will You Learn?

  • Build amazing single page applications with React JS and GraphQL
  • Master fundamental concepts behind structuring GraphQL servers
  • Realize the power of building flexible data schemas
  • Be the engineer who explains how GraphQL works to everyone else, because you know the fundamentals so well

Course Content

Intro to GraphQL for React

  • 1. Fetching data with GraphQL Queries-
  • 12. Mutation to delete todo
  • 13. Integrate client.mutate to remove todos
  • 14. Mutation to bulk delete
  • 15. Clear completed todos using client.mutate
  • 16. Fetch Online Users using GraphQL Subscriptions
  • 17. Setup Apollo Client for Subscriptions
  • 18. Subscription for Online Users
  • 19. Using subscriptions for public feed notification
  • 11. Integrate client.mutate with cache updates
  • 10. Mutation to update todo
  • 2. Inserting data with GraphQL Mutations
  • 3. Subscribe to Realtime data with GraphQL Subscriptions
  • 4. Todo App Boilerplate Setup
  • 5. Setup GraphQL Client with Apollo
  • 6. Query to fetch personal todos
  • 7. Query component with react-apollo
  • 8. Mutation to insert todo
  • 9. Integrate Mutation Component with cache updates
  • 20. Implement Public feed notifier

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