About Course
Learn how to create basic Dart programs.
This course is aimed at the absolute beginner with no programming experience. Also is an expressive and powerful language that has a very friendly learning curve. This makes it a great starting language. Also helps you craft beautiful, high-quality experiences across all screens, with a client-optimized language, rich and powerful frameworks, flexible tooling
Who this course is for:
- Anyone that wants to learn programming at a basic level
Course Content
Dart – Beginners Course
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Dart Constructors in Inheritance: Default and Named Constructors.
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Dart Method Overriding: Polymorphism.
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Dart Inheritance Demo. Object Oriented Dart.
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Dart INHERITANCE Explanation.
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Dart GETTER and SETTER | Private Instance variables.
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Dart Class, Objects, Constructors, Instance & Field Variables examples.
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Dart Constructors: Default, Named and Parameterised Constructor.
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Dart Class, Objects, Instance and reference Variable example.
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Dart Custom Exception Class example.
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Dart Abstract Class and Abstract Method Example.
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Dart INTERFACE ( implements keyword ) Example.
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Dart Callable Class – Call Class like a Function.
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Dart Collections: Map and HashMap- Dart Tutorial for Flutter
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Dart Collections: Set and HashSet.
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Dart Collections: Arrays as List: Growable List.
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Dart Collections: Arrays or LIST as Fixed-length List.
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Functional Programming in Dart: Lexical Closures Tutorial
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Functional Programming in Dart: Higher-Order Functions and Lambda Expression Tutorial
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Dart Functional Programming: Lambda Expression Tutorial
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Dart STATIC variables and methods.
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Dart Exception Handling
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Dart Optional Default Parameters in Function.
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Dart SWITCH and CASE conditional statements.
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Dart Conditional Expressions: Ternary Operator of Java.
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Dart IF ELSE Conditional Statements.
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Dart Defining Constants using ‘final’ and ‘const’ keyword.
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Dart Strings, Literals and String Interpolation.
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Dart Data Types and Variables.
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Dart Basic Syntax Tutorial: COMMENTS
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Dart Hello World : Write your First Code in Dart and run it in DartPad or Intellij IDEA
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Dart Installation: Setup DartPad or Intellij IDEA for Windows, Mac or Linux
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Dart Loops and Iterators: Loop Control Statements.
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Dart FOR Loop and how it works internally.
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Dart Optional NAMED Parameters in Functions.
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Dart Optional Positional Parameters in Functions.
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Dart Short Hand Syntax | FAT ARROW | Functions Expressions.
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Dart Functions or Methods example.
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Dart Functions or Methods. Syntax and Properties.
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Dart CONTINUE Statement with Labelled FOR Loop.
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Dart BREAK Statement with Labelled FOR Loop.
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Dart DO WHILE Loop and how it works internally.
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Dart WHILE Loop example and how it works internally.
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