About Course
This course gives you a basic idea and usage of Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio.
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. It is the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learning for themselves.
The process of learning begins with the data, such as examples, direct experience, or instruction, to look for patterns in data and make better decisions in the future based on the examples that we provide. The primary aim is to allow the computers to learn automatically without human intervention or assistance and adjust actions accordingly.
Applications of Machine Learning include but not limited to virtual personal assistants, predictions while commuting, videos surveillance, social media services, email spam, and malware filtering, online customer support, search engine result refining, product recommendations, online fraud detection, etc.,
Please Note: This course is to develop an algorithm of specific instructions and data generated can be used for performing the specific tasks for computer systems.
In this, you can get access to the tool for practice so that if I missed something or something has been updated you can have hands-on practice.
Who this course is for:
- All audience
- Beginner to Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio
Course Content
Azure Machine Learning Studio
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Regular & Relative Exressions
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Score Recommender from Unrated Items
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Matchbox Recommender Restaurant Example
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Matchbox Recommender, Movies example
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Tune Model Hyperparameters
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Cross Validate Model
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Compare Models
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: One-v-all multiclass
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Two-Class Neural Network
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Two-Class Locally Deep SVM
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Matchbox recommender with live data
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Detect Languages and Preprocess Text
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Partition and Sample
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Download Scored Data to CSV
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Matchbox Recommender with Text Analytics
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Extract N-Gram Features From Text
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Feature Hashing with Prediction
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Feature Hashing
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Extract Key Phrases from Text
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Named Entity Recognition
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Two-Class Support Vector Machine
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Two-class Boosted Decision Tree
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Principal Components with survey data
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Principle Components Analysis
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Permutation Feature Importance
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Filter Based Feature Selection
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Creating and using API w/Postman and C#
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Using Azure ML prediction in Excel
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Publish to Gallery
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Introduction to prediction
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Summarize data, normalize data, clean missing data
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Ordinal Regression
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Poisson Regression
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Two-Class Decision Jungle
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Two-Class Decision Forest
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Two-class Bayes Point Machine
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Two-Class Averaged Perceptron
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Two-Class Logistic Regression
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Boosted Decision Tree
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Decision Forest Regression
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Neural Network Regression
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Bayesian Linear Regression
00:00 -
Azure Machine Learning Studio: Introduction and uploading data