About Course
Advanced C++ Programming
This course will take you from a basic knowledge of C++ to using more advanced features of the language. This course is for you if you want to deepen your basic knowledge of C++, you want to learn C++ 11 features, or you’ve taken my free beginners’ C++ course and you’re looking for the next step.
We’ll start with a look at C++ file handling and move through STL, template classes, operator overloading, lambda expressions, move constructors, and much more besides.
At the end of the Learn Advanced C++ Programming course I’ll show you how to create a program that generates fractal images, using a few of the language features we’ve seen in the course and giving you a great workout with smart pointers and arrays.
I’ll give you exercises throughout the Learn Advanced C++ Programming course, ranging from easy near the start, to quite tricky (but optional!) near the end of the course.
Who this course is for:
- This course is for anyone with a basic knowledge of C++ who wants to increase their knowledge
- Suitable for anyone who knows C++ 98 and wants to learn C++ 11 features
Course Content
Advanced C++ Programming
Writing Classes in Separate Files using #define in C++
00:00 -
Generic Programming in C++ and Templates
00:00 -
C++ Predefined macros
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#undef Pre Processor Directive
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Conditional Compilation Macros
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if endif elif else Conditional Compilation Macros
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Function like Macros
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#Define PreProcessor Directive
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#include PreProcessor Directives in C++ Programming Video Tutorial
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Stringstream in C++
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C++ Binary Files
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Binary Files in C++
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C++ File Position Indicators
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Multiple Parameters and Return Values
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Passing Standard Parameters to C++ Generic Functions
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Generic Functions with Multiple Generic Types
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Inline Nested Namespace in C++
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C++ Namespace Aliases
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Nested UnNamed or Anonymous Namespaces
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UnNamed or Anonymous Namespaces in C++
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C++ Nested Namespace
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Introduction to C++ Namespace
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Explicit Specialisation of Generic Class
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Default Data Types as Parameters to Generic Classes
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C++ Generic Class with more than one Generic Type
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Introduction to C++ Generic Classes
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Overloading Generic Function Template
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Explicitly Overloading Generic Functions
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fstream Class
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Reading from a File using ifstream class
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Functions Throwing Exceptions
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Multiple Catch Blocks
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Available C++ Standard Exception Classes / Types and using them
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Introduction to Exception Handling
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Rules and Restrictions for Operator Overloading in C++
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Overloading Arrow Operator
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Overloading C++ Function Call Operator ( )
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Overloading Special [ ] C++ Array Subscript Operator
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Overloading Increment and Decrement Operators in Postfix form
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Overloading Increment and Decrement Operators in Prefix form
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Overloading Short Hand Operators
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C++ Overloading “-” Operator
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C++ Nested Try Catch statements
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Creating Custom, User Defined Exception Class
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Overloading New and Delete Operators
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Writing to a File in C++ using Ofstream Class
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C++ File Handling
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C++ getline Function
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String Class in C++
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Writing your own Manipulator function on C++ IO Streams
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C++ iomanip class
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Set and Unset Format Flags of IO streams
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Precision Fill Width parameters with C++ IO Streams
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Reading and Displaying Boolean Values as TRUE and FALSE instead of 0 and 1
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C++ IO Stream | Introduction
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CPP Copy Constructor with Example
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Overloading C++ Stream Insertion, Extraction Operators
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C++ Operator Overloading Introduction